Planning history dating back to the early 90’s

The current zoning and planning scheme controls for the project site have been in place since 2007.

While the site has a long and contentious planning history dating back to the early 1990s, the Gnarabup Project does not require and has not sought any change to the approved town planning scheme and planning guidelines which govern development of the site.

Current zoning of the site

The various landholdings that form the subject site are comprised of:

Lot 783 is zoned tourism.

Lots 501, 502, 503 and 504 are zoned future development and are part of the Gnarabup Beach Structure Plan.

Most of the land within this structure plan area has already been developed, with these landholdings being the last large development sites in Gnarabup.


The Gnarabup settlement, including the land comprising the subject site, was cleared of vegetation when the area was established as agricultural land.


The Gnarabup Beach Structure Plan, which encompassed Sussex. Location 815 was originally adopted.


Lot 783 was identified as one of several tourist development opportunities associated with the estate.


39 homes were destroyed and a further 26 homes were damaged when a prescribed burn south of Gracetown in the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park jumped containment lines.

Site Masterplan

Planning FAQs

What is the zoning of the Land?

Lot 783, where the hotel will be located, is zoned tourism.

Lots 501, 502, 503 and 504, where the village will be located, are zoned future development and are part of the Gnarabup Beach Structure Plan.

Has development previously been approved on the land?

Yes. Over the years there have been a number of development proposals approved across the landholdings, with the most recent being:

  • Lot 783 – a 118-bed hotel, 214-person restaurant, function centre and associated facilities (approved in February 2016 and expired in January 2019)
  • Lots 501, 502 and 503 – 57 short-stay villas (approved June 2009 and expired in June 2015)
  • Lot 504 – 16 unrestricted stay apartments, a café, gallery and 16 commercial tenancies (approved in June 2009 and expired in June 2015)
Why didn’t these projects proceed?

These projects did not proceed for a variety of reasons that were associated with the previous landowners who proposed them at the time.

Does the application fit within the zoning and planning guidelines for the land?

Yes, both parts of the project comply with the current zoning and planning guidelines for development on the land.

What are the height limits?

The height limit for the hotel site is 7 m above natural ground level. This height limit traces the natural ground level and follows the topography of the land, which promotes a development that is nestled into the landscape.

The Gnarabup Village height limits are a mix of 5.5 m, 6.5 m and 8 m in various locations, as mandated in the Gnarabup Beach Structure Plan.

What are the setbacks?

The hotel site has a 10 m setback to the building on all boundaries.

The Gnarabup Village has a variety of different setbacks that comply with the building guidelines for the site.

Does the proposed development comply with planning policies regarding the number of tourism and residential lots?

Yes, the proposed development fits within all current planning guidelines.

If the hotel does not go ahead, what will happen to the site?

We are confident that the hotel will be developed in the first stage of this project, as planned. Commitments from a major international hotel operator, Marriott, have already been secured and are in place.

View the detailed planning report

View the development proposal prepared by Rowe Group, which includes detailed information on the proposed development across lots 783, 501, 502, 503 and 504, Wallcliffe Road.

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