Keeping you informed

Community consultation is an integral part of Western Australia’s development approval process. Margaret River’s passionate and engaged community is part of what makes the place so unique and we value meaningful and constructive input into the project.

We understand that there is a high level of community interest around the project and how it interacts with Gnarabup Beach and the surrounding environment. Our community consultation process is about providing accurate information about the project. We aim to inform the community about how we are approaching the design and dealing with the numerous requirements that a project like this has to balance.

EPA Assessment

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has initiated an assessment of the development lots, and invites public submissions on the draft Environmental Scoping Document (ESD) for this proposal. The draft ESD is available for a public review period of 2 weeks from 12 September 2022, closing on 28 September 2022. The ESD includes an explanation of the purpose of the ESD and how to make a submission.


Community Consultation FAQs

Have the community had the opportunity to give feedback?

Plans for the Gnarabup Project have been presented to community members informally, but there has not yet been a formal opportunity to give feedback.

This is because the development application – the first step in the process – has only recently been made. There will now be an advertising period during which the community may submit their feedback. The advertising period will run for 28 days.

How can I give feedback on the project?

Now that the development application has been made, the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage will advertise the application for a period of 28 days. During this time, the community will have an opportunity to comment on the application.

You can stay up to date with the project by joining our mailing list. To join the mailing list, enter your details below.

What happens to my feedback?

Any feedback received during the advertising period is recorded and considered by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage and will help inform part of its recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission, who are the decision makers for this development approval.

When was the scheme lodged for development application?

The development application was made in mid-June.

Keep up to date with the Gnarabup Project

To receive updates on the project please join our mailling list.